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respecting education, knowledge and talent. And this has vitalized education in China and promoted social progress. As a result, China's higher education gradually came back on the right track of development.
        After the end of 1978 when China began implementing reform and open policies, the scale of higher education kept expanding and conditions with which to run schools improved. But the most striking development was a broad and deep reform that was carried out in the field of higher education. The reform has brought about profound changes in higher education's school system and administrative system, systems of enrollment and job assignment for graduates, the setup of specialities, systems of teaching materials, scientific research and funding, and logistics. The tendency to place a lopsided emphasis on the specialization of branches of learning was criticized. Institutions of higher learning changed their speciality structure and curricula, broadened the service scope of their specialities, and opened more optional courses. In teaching activities, rigid modes of teaching was changes and more attention was paid to fostering students' independent learning and thinking ability. In 1981, the system of graduate studies was established, and academic researches became part of the curricula; institutions of higher learning, manufacturers and research institutes worked together for an integration of production, teaching and scientific research; key laboratories were established to engage in

basic researches. Logistics is a principal cause of the bloated administrative structure of colleges and universities. To solve the problem, reform aimed at socializing services has begun with initial good results for some schools.
        The year of 1997 saw the launch of "Program 211," which aims to establish about 100 key institutions of higher learning and key research projects poised to meet challenges of the 21st century. With the execution of the program, China will have a well-functioning system of key branches of learning and make efforts to enable some branches of learning approach or reach world advanced levels. A rational, multi-tiered structure of higher education is expected to take shape in China.
        After years of persistent increases in enrollment, by the year 2000, the rate of admissions for institutions of higher learning had reached 11 percent. In China's 1,841 institutions of higher learning, total enrollment reached 11 million. The Ministry of Education says explicitly that by 2005 the rate of admissions for institutions of higher learning will reach 15 percent. If this goal is attained, total enrollment by then would reach 16 million. China would rank first in the world in the number of students receiving a higher education. The country's higher education would have transitioned from an elitist to a popular education. For a populous country such as China, this would be a great achievement.